Tools - Math 'Plausible Estimation' Estimates for a Million Tasks, Set #1
Estimates for a Million, Set #1 (solutions)
Estimating for Amazing Facts: Set #2 (solutions) || Set #3 (solutions)
Estimates for the USA, Set #4 (solutions)
Malcolm Swan
Mathematics Education
University of Nottingham
Jim Ridgway
School of Education
University of Durham
The aim of this assessment is to provide the opportunity for you to:
- develop a chain of reasoning that will enable you to estimate quantities to an appropriate degree of accuracy
- choose suitable units for your estimate
- communicate the assumptions upon which your estimate is based.
- Breathing
How many days would it take you to breathe a million times?
- Paper Clips
Suppose a chain is made from a million paper clips. How far will it stretch?
Choose suitable units for your answer.
- The brick wall
Suppose you use a million household bricks to build a wall four feet high. How long would the wall be?
- The dripping faucet
A faucet drips a million times. How many buckets will it fill?
- Writing a million
How long would it take you to write out all the numbers, from one to a million?
Remember that some numbers have more digits than others!
Estimates for a Million, Set #1 (solutions)
Estimating for Amazing Facts: Set #2 (solutions) || Set #3 (solutions)
Estimates for the USA, Set #4 (solutions)
